
日本学術振興会科学研究費プロジェクト(Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI> Projects)

基盤研究(A) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 
The optimization of the function of motion assist devices based on human adaptability
村木 里志 (研究代表者,九州大学) Satoshi Muraki (Principal Investigator, Kyushu University)
福田 修 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Co-Investigator, Saga University)
ヨー ウェンリアング (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Yeoh Wen Liang (Co-Investigator, Saga University)
森永 浩介 (研究分担者,広島国際大学) Kosuke Morinaga (Co-Investigator, Hiroshima International University)
Reference URL:  

人間の身体動作を外力によってアシストする機器(以下,動作アシスト)の普及が期待されている中,その性能向上や実用化が停滞している.それを解決するために,人間側の運動の制御(Motor control)の仕組みとその適応能に着目し,人間にとって受け入れやすく,動作を習得・学習しやすいアシスト機能の条件を明確にする.なぜなら,身体動作の拡張には機器(マシン)側と人間側が相補的に協働できる関係を構築することが大事だからである.本研究では成果転用性が高い肘関節屈曲による重量物持ち上げ動作を対象にし,①「負担軽減」と「動作精度」の両立,②事前情報提示,③運動学習の観点から望ましいアシスト条件を明確にする.最終的に成果を実装したプロトタイプを製作し,動作アシストの理想像を発信する.

基盤研究(B) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Development and Verification of a Double Brain (Human Brain + AI Brain) Collaborative Human-Augmentation Robot
福田 修 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator, Saga University)
ヨー ウェンリアング (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Yeoh Wen Liang (Co-Investigator, Saga University)
村木 里志 (研究分担者,九州大学) Satoshi Muraki (Co-Investigator, Kyushu University)
東森 充 (研究分担者,大阪大学) Mitsuru Higashimori (Co-Investigator, Osaka University)
金子 真 (研究分担者,名城大学) Makoto Kaneko (Co-Investigator, Meijo University)
Reference URL:

「人間」と「AIロボット」が,“二人羽織”のように身体的に接合された系で1つの目標が与えられた際に,両者が協力し,各々の強みを融合させ,パフォーマンスを最大化する仕組みを探求する.単なるマスタースレーブではなく,2つの異なる脳(「人脳」と「AI脳」)を駆使し,1つの目標に互いに対峙している観点が重要である.本研究では,① プロトタイプを構築し,② 多様な被験者実験を通してその効果を客観的かつ定量的に明らかにする.さらに,③ 得られた知見や技術をオープンデータとして広く一般へ公開する.

基盤研究(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 
Development of silent communication training system on music performance using augmented reality and machine learning 
奥村 浩 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Hiroshi Okumura (Principal Investigator, Saga University) 
Reference URL:  

基盤研究(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  
Development of a remote posture evaluation and support system for baby-carrying mothers to prevent physical disorders 
佐藤 珠美 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Tamami Sato (Principal Investigator, Saga University) 
福田 修 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Co-Investigator, Saga University) 
山口 暢彦 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Nobuhiko Yamaguchi (Co-Investigator, Saga University)
ヨー ウェンリアング (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Yeoh Wen Liang (Co-Investigator, Saga University) 
中野 理佳 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Rika Nakano (Co-Investigator, Saga University) 
坂本 飛鳥 (研究分担者,西九州大学) Asuka Sakamoto (Co-Investigator, Nishikyushu University) 
Reference URL:  


基盤研究(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 
Development of a perioperative medication management algorithm using  artificial intelligence and machine learning 
木村 早希子 (研究代表者,佐賀大学)  Sakiko Kimura (Principal Investigator, Saga University) 
福田 修 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Co-Investigator, Saga University) 
齋田 哲也 (研究分担者,崇城大学) Tetsuya Saita (Co-Investigator, Sojo University) 
島ノ江 千里 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Chisato Shimanoe (Co-Investigator, Saga University) 
Reference URL:  


基盤研究(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Adversarial Exampleを用いた新しい緑内障性眼底変化の特徴の発見C
Discovering New Funduscopic Characteristics of Glaucoma Using Adversarial Examples
石川 慎一郎 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Shinichiro Ishikawa (Principal Investigator, Saga University)
福田 修 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator, Saga University)

若手研究 Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists
Muscle activation patterns during plantarflexion-assisted walking
ヨー ウェンリアング (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Yeoh Wen Liang (Principal Investigator, Saga University)
Reference URL: 


受託プロジェクト(Commissioned Projects)

佐賀県TSUNAGIプロジェクト Saga TSUNAGI Project
Recreating Skilful Strawberry Packing among Inexperienced Workers using Smart Glasses
福田 修 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator, Saga University)
ヨー ウェンリアング (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Yeoh Wen Liang (Co-Investigator, Saga University)
山口 暢彦 (研究分担者,佐賀大学) Nobuhiko Yamaguchi (Co-Investigator, Saga University)


学内プロジェクト(University Projects)

理工学部研究会 スマート化推進研究会
福田 修 (責任者),佐藤 和也,林喜 章,和久屋 寛,奥村 浩,山口 暢彦,中山 功一,上田 俊

Faculty of Science and Technology Smart Technology Promotion Study Group 

Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator), Kazuya Sato, Yoshiaki Hayashi, Hiroshi Wakuya, Hiroshi Okumura, Nobuhiko Yamaguchi, , Suguru Ueda  

Saga, like many other provincial cities in Japan, has an increasingly aging population brought about by declining birthrates and outflows of young people. This has led to problems in wide-ranging fields, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and healthcare. Saga University, as the educational center of this provincial region, has a clear and unique mission to contribute solutions to these problems, which may not be of concern to many of its urban counterparts.   

Under the “smartification” keyword, the faculty and students of the Faculty of Science and Engineering work together to give back to the local community by producing research results that are useful to them. Through these research activities, not only will both the local community and students benefit from training and developing their practical skills, but this will also contribute to the cultivation of the next generation of individuals that can contribute to their local communities. Specifically, we are looking to revitalize the agriculture and fisheries, manufacturing, and medical health and welfare industries through “smartification” (AI, IoT, Automation).  

By actively working on these local collaborative research projects, in addition to having the opportunity to discuss real-world problems with local industries, we will move towards achieving the educational goal of the Faculty of Science and Engineering of providing a solid and broad foundation in science and engineering while having a bird’s eye view of problems that takes into account multiple perspectives.  We have started multiple small projects relevant to Saga to better understand, through trial and error, how best to build win-win relationships between solving real-world industrial problems and the needs of academic research and education. Our goal in these projects, more than improving the technical aspects of “smartification”, is to create new real-world value by using currently available technology to bring about real change in the local community.

産学プロジェクト(Academic-Industrial Collaborations/ Collaborations with Industry)

科学技術振興機構,令和2年度研究成果最適展開支援プログラム(A-STEP)トライアウト エッジコンピューティングに基づくプラスチック成形部品のAI画像検査システムの開発
福田 修 (研究代表者,佐賀大学,協力:大栄工業株式会社)

Japan Science and Technology Agency,2020 A-Step Tryout Program (Adaptable and Seamless Technology Transfer Program through Target-Driven R&D). Development of an edge computing-based system that uses AI image recognition to inspect molded plastic parts. Professor Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator, Saga University, Partner: Daiei Industrial Co., Ltd) 

日本学術振興会科学研究費プロジェクト(Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research <KAKENHI> Projects)

基盤研究(C) Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 
Spatial recognition based on deep learning and its application to sensory integrated myoelectric hand 
福田 修 (研究代表者,佐賀大学) Osamu Fukuda (Principal Investigator, Saga University) 
卜 楠 (研究分担者,熊本高等専門学校) Bu Nan (Co-Investigator, Kumamoto National College of Technology) 
村木 里志 (研究分担者,九州大学) Satoshi Muraki (Co-Investigator, Kyushu University) 
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